Oxford International Curriculum

Educational project

Our educational model is based on the main idea that each child is unique in the world and therefore we try to adapt the curriculum to each of our students. To do this, the groups of each age are a maximum of 16 children in all stages and we work in the classroom with levels adapted to them.

Our curriculum is centred on two core pillars:

Enquiry based learning and Conscious Discipline (personal, social and emotional program). We firmly believe that a focus on mindfulness and wellbeing structures helps to empower our students by equipping them with the skills necessary to problem solve, self-regulate, and make healthy and safe decisions throughout their lives. We strive to create a supportive environment that nurtures creativity, curiosity, and free-thinking in our students, while also helping them develop the critical life skills they will need to thrive in the future.

Oxford Research and Development school

Green Stone is recognised as an Oxford Research and Development school, this is a testament to our unwavering dedication to educational advancement and research-driven practices. We actively engage in pioneering initiatives, fostering an environment where students are encouraged to question, explore, and contribute to the evolving landscape of education. 

As a proud member of the Oxford Research and Development network, Green Stone British International School stands poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of education. Our students are not only equipped with a world-class education but are also instilled with a sense of responsibility to actively participate in creating positive global change.